Where Do You Get Your [Identity, Perspectives, Priorities, Values, Beliefs] From?
Who/What Determines The Real Meaning Of [Love, Truth, Peace, Goodness, Change, Life]?
Who/What Is Your Source Of [Strength, Inspiration, Motivation, Passion, Desire]?
Who/What Do You [Aim, Desire, Live] To Please The Most?
Who/What [Leads, Directs, Guides, Runs, Rules] You?
Who/What Determines The Real Meaning Of [Love, Truth, Peace, Goodness, Change, Life]?
Who/What Is Your Source Of [Strength, Inspiration, Motivation, Passion, Desire]?
Who/What Do You [Aim, Desire, Live] To Please The Most?
Who/What [Leads, Directs, Guides, Runs, Rules] You?
Is It…
Yourself, Family/Friends/Loved Ones/Other People, Relationships, Community, Race/Ethnicity, Nationality/Culture, Society, Religion, Nefarious Spiritual Forces/Beings, Government/Politics, Media, Social Media, Film, Music, Art, Fashion, Fitness, Sports, Entertainment, Nature, Food, Hobbies/Interests, Passions/Pleasures, Job/Career/Vocation, Money, Possessions, Fame, Status, Appearance, Abilities, Successes/Failures, Experiences, Vices/Addictions, Envy/Jealousy, Bitterness/Strife/Anger, Hurts/Pains/Unforgiveness, Fears, Pride?
Or Is It… God (through Jesus)?
You are given choices and responsibilities. With every choice and responsibility there is accountability, as well as consequences (good or bad). Carefully consider you will inevitably experience the consequences of your thoughts, intentions, motives, imaginations, desires, emotions, feelings, assumptions, perspectives, priorities, values, beliefs, words, and actions.
It’s not about religion or going to church services or superficial faith in God. It is all about truly knowing Him, believing Him, loving Him, trusting Him, obeying Him, revering Him, serving Him, pleasing Him. Having an intimate relationship with God your Father, Best Friend, Most Beloved. Imperfectly, yet hoping & praying & striving for Godly Living - Biblical Lifestyle.
Are you truly a child/friend/lover of God-Jesus?
Or are you a result of yourself, someone else, something else?
Yourself, Family/Friends/Loved Ones/Other People, Relationships, Community, Race/Ethnicity, Nationality/Culture, Society, Religion, Nefarious Spiritual Forces/Beings, Government/Politics, Media, Social Media, Film, Music, Art, Fashion, Fitness, Sports, Entertainment, Nature, Food, Hobbies/Interests, Passions/Pleasures, Job/Career/Vocation, Money, Possessions, Fame, Status, Appearance, Abilities, Successes/Failures, Experiences, Vices/Addictions, Envy/Jealousy, Bitterness/Strife/Anger, Hurts/Pains/Unforgiveness, Fears, Pride?
Or Is It… God (through Jesus)?
You are given choices and responsibilities. With every choice and responsibility there is accountability, as well as consequences (good or bad). Carefully consider you will inevitably experience the consequences of your thoughts, intentions, motives, imaginations, desires, emotions, feelings, assumptions, perspectives, priorities, values, beliefs, words, and actions.
It’s not about religion or going to church services or superficial faith in God. It is all about truly knowing Him, believing Him, loving Him, trusting Him, obeying Him, revering Him, serving Him, pleasing Him. Having an intimate relationship with God your Father, Best Friend, Most Beloved. Imperfectly, yet hoping & praying & striving for Godly Living - Biblical Lifestyle.
Are you truly a child/friend/lover of God-Jesus?
Or are you a result of yourself, someone else, something else?
Have Questions About God, Jesus, The Bible?
Need Help Understanding A Bible Verse Or Passage?
Any Issues In Your Life That Require Help-Solutions-Prayer?